Hey! Hello There! I'm John.
I’m a web developer from Manila, PH and I create websites and applications for businesses. I mainly use WordPress for my websites. As for my applications I usually create them with Code Igniter. I have created websites for several industries such as Luxury, Esports, Business Coaching, Wedding and Events.
Right now I am also interested in doing web applications using Modern Web Technologies.
Ready? Yes. 24/7.
Make your business digital ready. With the advent of the internet, you can reach almost anyone today, anywhere in the world. Make your business available 24/7 on all of devices.

Confidence. With All The Modern Tools.
Starting with the fundamentals of the web like HTML5, CSS3 ES6 for frontend and PHP x MySQL for the backend. I am currently venturing into new technologies like React and Angular to offer flexibility to my clients and companies that I am working with.
Let's Talk About Your Website Today.
Interested with working with me and creating a website for your business or organization? Just send me a message. I’m usually online all the time and will receive your inquiry.
Email: [email protected]
jcflorendo.com™ 2020 – Manila, PH